City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 38-18. Unlawful operations of e-bike or e-scooter.

An e-bike or e-scooter may not be operated:

(1) in a manner that violates applicable State or local law;

(2) at speeds that exceeds 15 miles per hour for e-scooters and 20 miles per hour for e-bikes when propelled solely by the electric motor and without manual power;

(3) by a person younger than 16-years of age without a helmet;

(4) with a passenger, unless the e-bike or e-scooter is designed to carry a passenger;

(5) without the use of a headlight or headlamp after dusk, before dawn, or when the safe operation of a vehicle requires the use of headlight or headlamp;

(6) on a public right-of-way where bicycles are also prohibited;

(7) on a sidewalk, unless the posted speed on the abutting public right-of-way is 30 miles per hour or greater and the speed of the e-bike or e-scooter on the sidewalk does not exceed 6 miles per hour;

(8) while carrying a package, bundle, or other article that prevents the user from keeping both hands on the handlebars; or

(9) while physically controlling more than one dockless vehicle.