§ 38-6. Program established.
(a) In general.
There is a Dockless Vehicle Program established for the purpose of regulating the operation of dockless vehicles and dockless vehicles for hire.
(b) Department of Transportation to administer.
The Department is responsible for administering in a manner consistent with this subtitle.
(c) Cost recovery.
The cost of Program administration shall be charged to the providers through the imposition of fees established by the Department and approved by the Board of Estimates.
(d) Program termination.
(1) The Program may be terminated at any time by:
(i) the Director, with 60 days prior written notice to the City Council and all providers; or
(ii) ordinance of the Mayor and City Council.
(2) A termination of the Program operates to
(i) revoke all existing permits issued under this subtitle; and
(ii) require all dockless vehicles for hire to be removed from public right-of-ways within 48 hours from the effective date of the termination.