City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-303. "Bail bond establishment" to "Child day-care home".

(a) Bail bond establishment.

"Bail bond establishment" means an establishment in which a State-licensed or -approved bail bondsman provides bail bondsman services, whether for compensation or not.

(b) {Reserved}

(c) Banquet hall.

(1) In general.

"Banquet hall" means an establishment:

(i) for which all events are directly managed by the owner of the facility or by a person regularly employed by the owner and responsible to the owner for the on-site management of all events held in that facility and for event arrangements;

(ii) that is used regularly for serving food or beverage provided by the owner or by caterers and suppliers approved in advance by the owner;

(iii) that serves designated groups that, before the day of the event, have reserved the facility for banquets or meetings and provided all insurance certificates, security contracts, off-street parking contracts required by the facility's owner;

(iv) to which the general public is not admitted;

(v) for which no admission fee is charged at the door; and

(vi) in which no third party promoter is involved or stands to profit.

(2) Supplemental definition.

In paragraph (1)(vi) of this subsection, "promoter" means a person whose primary business is to organize, schedule, and operate one-time events in various leased venues through wide-scale promotions and advance sales of general admission tickets advertised primarily by flyers, websites, e-blasts, and social media and customarily selling general admission tickets at the door.

(3) Inclusions.

"Banquet hall" includes an establishment that provides live entertainment as an accessory to the use described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(4) Exclusions.

"Banquet hall" does not include any restaurant or tavern.

(d) Basement.

"Basement" means that portion of a building that has its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.

(e) Bay window.

"Bay window" means a window that:

(1) projects outward from a building;

(2) begins at least 2 feet above the ground; and

(3) has no structural support to the ground.

(f) Bed and breakfast.

"Bed and breakfast" means an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling that:

(1) is used primarily as a the owner's personal home; but

(2) also, while the owner is in residence, provides lodging in 3 or fewer guest rooms to members of the general public who have primary residences elsewhere.

(g) Billboard.

"Billboard" means any sign that directs attention to a business or commodity that is:

(i) sold or offered somewhere other than on the property on which the sign is located; or

(ii) sold or offered on that property only incidentally, if at all.

(h) Blockface.

"Blockface" means all of 1 side of a given street between 2 consecutive intersecting streets, excluding alleys footways, and sidewalks.

(i) Boat manufacturing, repair, and sales.

(1) Inclusions.

"Boat manufacturing, repair, and sales" includes the following activities:

(i) assembly and installation of sails, masts, bridges, or other major components;

(ii) sandblasting or other preparation and painting of hulls;

(iii) installation of navigational instruments;

(iv) testing of electrical, mechanical, and other systems; and

(v) incidental storage.

(2) Exclusions.

"Boat manufacturing, repair, and sales" does not include the leasing of dry dock or marina storage for individual boat owners.

(j) Body art establishment.

(1) In general.

"Body art establishment" means an establishment that offers body piercing, non-medical body modification, or tattooing services.

(2) Exclusions.

"Body art establishment" does not include an establishment that only offers ear piercing.

(k) Broadcasting station (TV or radio).

(1) In general.

"Broadcasting station (tv or radio)" means commercial and public communications facilities, including radio and television broadcasting and receiving stations and studios.

(2) Exclusions.

"Broadcasting station (tv or radio)" does not include freestanding TV or radio antennas.

(l) Buffer (CBCA).

"Buffer", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.

(m) Building.

"Building" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.

(n) Building: Principal.

"Building: Principal" means non-accessory building in which a principal use is conducted.

(o) Canopy.

"Canopy" means a permanent structure or architectural projection that:

(1) is of rigid construction over which a covering is attached;

(2) is designed to provide weather protection, identity or decoration; and

(3) is structurally independent or supported by attachment to a building on one or more sides.

(p) Car wash.

(1) In general.

"Car wash" means an establishment for washing or cleaning motor vehicles, whether by using mechanical devices or hand labor.

(2) Self-Service.

"Car wash" includes facilities for self-service motor vehicle washing or cleaning.

(q) Caretaker's dwelling.

See "Dwelling: Caretaker's".

(r) Carnival; Circus.

"Carnival" or "circus" means a use of land for:

(1) circuses, carnivals, fetes, bazaars, and similar events;

(2) feats of horseback-riding ability, acrobatic stunts, trained animal acts, clowning, and similar performances;

(3) mechanical rides or other amusement devices to which the public is admitted; and

(4) temporary stands or facilities for selling or dispensing products for human consumption in connection with these uses.

(s) Carriage house.

"Carriage house" means an accessory structure of 2-story construction that was formerly used or intended to be used for the storage of horses and carriages.

(t) Carry-out food shop.

"Carry-out food shop" means an establishment where prepared food is served in disposable containers or wrappers from a serving counter, primarily for off-premises consumption.

(u) Cemetery.

(1) In general.

"Cemetery" means land used or dedicated to the burial of the dead.

(2) Inclusions.

"Cemetery" includes:

(i) a crematorium;

(ii) mausoleums;

(iii) a funeral home, if operating within the boundaries of the cemetery; and

(iv) necessary sales and maintenance facilities.

(v) Check-cashing establishment.

"Check-cashing establishment" means an establishment, other than a financial institution, that provides a check-cashing service, for a fee, to the general public.

(w) Child day-care center.

See "Day-care center: Child".

(x) Child day-care home.

See "Day-care home: Child".