§ 1-304. "Chimney" to "Day-care center: Child".
(a) Chimney.
"Chimney"means a vertical shaft of reinforced concrete, masonry, or other approved material that encloses 1 or more flues, for the purpose of removing the products of combustion from solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel.
(b) {Reserved}
(c) Clinic.
See "Animal clinic"; "Health-care clinic".
(d) Commercial alternative energy system.
See "Alternative energy system: Commercial".
(e) Commercial college.
See "Educational facility: Commercial-vocational".
(f) Commercial vehicle.
"Commercial vehicle" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 31 {"Transit and Traffic"}, § 1-1(f) {"Definitions – A to L: Commercial vehicle"}.
(g) Community center.
(1) In general.
"Community center" means a facility in which people who live in the neighborhood or community are able to meet and carry on cultural, social, or recreational activities.
(2) Inclusions.
"Community center" includes indoor or outdoor recreational facilities.
(h) Community-managed open-space garden.
(1) In general.
"Community-managed open-space garden" means an open-space area that:
(i) is maintained by more than 1 household; and
(ii) is used for traditional community-garden activities of planting, cultivating, harvesting, maintaining, and distributing fruits, flowers, vegetables, or ornamental plants.
(2) Inclusions.
"Community-managed open-space garden" includes:
(i) accessory sheds, gazebos, and pergolas;
(ii) temporary greenhouses and similar structures to extend the growing season; and
(iii) the provision of space for related open-air recreation, active or passive, but not including playground equipment.
(i) Community-managed open-space farm.
(1) In general.
"Community-managed open-space farm" means an open-space area that:
(i) is maintained by more than 1 household; and
(ii) in addition to the uses permitted in a community-managed open-space garden, is used for 1 or more of the following:
(A) the keeping of livestock and animals;
(B) temporary farm stands, but no more than 1 per lot; and
(C) the receipt and free redistribution of organic waste material for composting.
(2) Inclusions.
"Community-managed open-space farm" includes on-site storage, including storage for farmstands.
(j) Community-based alternative energy system.
See "Alternative energy system: Community-based".
(k) Composting.
"Composting" means the processing of organic waste material, such as yard and food waste, under controlled conditions to yield a nuisance-free humus-like product.
(l) Comprehensive Master Plan.
"Comprehensive Master Plan" means the Master Plan adopted under City Charter Article VII, § 74 {"Department of Planning: Master Plan"} and the State Land Use Article.
(m) Comprehensive rezoning.
"Comprehensive rezoning" means an ordinance that is:
(1) initiated by City government to modify the zoning classifications of multiple properties;
(2) based on considerations concerning the common needs of a substantial geographic area, involving a considerable number of properties;
(3) designed to control and direct the use of land and structures according to present and planned future conditions; and
(4) the product of:
(i) careful consideration and extensive study by the Planning Department; and
(ii) review by the Planning Commission.
(n) Conditional use.
See "Use: Conditional".
(o) Contractor storage yard.
"Contractor storage yard" means land or structures used primarily for the storage of equipment, vehicles, machinery, building materials, paint, piping, or electrical components being used by the owner or occupant of the premises in the conduct of a building trade.
(p) Convention center.
(1) In general.
"Convention center" means an establishment that accommodates conventions, conferences, seminars, product displays, recreation activities, and entertainment functions.
(2) Inclusions.
"Convention center" includes accessory uses such as:
(i) temporary outdoor displays; and
(ii) food and beverage preparation and service for on-premise consumption.
(q) Corner lot.
See "Lot: Corner".
(r) Corner-side lot line.
See "Lot line: Corner-side".
(s) Cornice.
"Cornice" means a continuous molded projection that:
(1) extends outward from an exterior wall at the roof line;
(2) crowns a wall; or
(3) divides a wall horizontally.
(t) Country club.
"Country club" means a club organized and operated primarily for social and both indoor and outdoor recreation purposes, with recreation facilities for members, their families, and invited guests.
(u) Critical Area (CBCA).
"Critical Area", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.
(v) Critical Area Management Program (CBCA).
"Critical Area Management Program", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.
(w) Crude oil terminal.
(1) "Crude oil" defined.
(i) In general.
"Crude oil" means any naturally occurring liquid petroleum that is:
(A) extracted from geological formations beneath the earth's surface; and
(B) requires further refinement before consumer use.
(ii) Exclusions.
"Crude oil" does not include finished products derived from petroleum including asphalt.
(2) "Crude oil terminal" defined.
(i) In general.
"Crude oil terminal" means a facility that receives, stores, transfers, ships, or processes crude oil.
(ii) Exclusions.
"Crude oil terminal" does not include facilities owned or operated by a rail carrier, as defined in U.S. Code Title 49, Subtitle IV, Part A, Chapter 101, § 10102 {"Definitions"}.
(x) Cultural facility.
(1) In general.
"Cultural facility" means a facility that provides cultural services and facilities to the public.
(2) Illustrations.
"Cultural facility" includes any of the following, whether operated by a public, non-profit, or private entity:
(i) a museum;
(ii) an historical society; or
(iii) a library.
(3) Inclusions.
"Cultural facility" includes the following accessory uses designed and intended primarily for patrons of the facility:
(i) a gift or souvenir shop; and
(ii) a restaurant or refreshment stands.
(y) Day-care center: Adult.
(1) In general.
"Day-care center: Adult" means an establishment that provides care for 3 or more elderly or functionally impaired adults on less than a 24-hour basis.
(2) Exclusions.
"Day-care center: Adult" does not include:
(i) a program that, as an accessory use to a place of worship, provides care for elderly or functionally impaired adults; or
(ii) an adult day-care home.
(z) Day-care center: Child.
(1) In general.
"Day-care center: Child" means an establishment that provides care for 3 or more children on less than a 24-hour basis.
(2) Exclusions.
"Day-care center: Child" does not include:
(i) a program that, as an accessory use to an educational facility or a place of worship, provides care for children; or
(ii) a child day-care home.