§ 1-306. "Encroachment" to "Golf course".
(a) Encroachment.
"Encroachment" means the placement or extension of any structure or component of a structure into a required yard.
(b) Entertainment: Indoor.
(1) In general.
"Entertainment: Indoor" means a predominantly spectator use conducted within an enclosed structure, such as a movie theater.
(2) Inclusions.
"Entertainment: Indoor" includes the following accessory uses designed and intended primarily for patrons of the facility:
(i) a gift or souvenir shop; and
(ii) a restaurant or refreshment stands.
(3) Exclusions.
"Entertainment: Indoor" does not include:
(i) live entertainment; or
(ii) indoor recreation.
(c) Entertainment: Live.
(1) In general.
"Entertainment: Live" means 1 or more of any of the following, performed live by 1 or more individuals, whether or not done for compensation and whether or not admission is charged:
(i) musical act, including karaoke;
(ii) theatrical act, including a play, revue, or stand-up comedy;
(iii) dance;
(iv) magic act;
(v) disc jockey; or
(vi) similar activity.
(2) Exclusions.
"Entertainment: Live" does not include any adult use.
(d) Environmentally sensitive area.
"Environmentally sensitive area" means land that contains any of the following natural areas:
(1) streams or stream buffers;
(2) habitats of threatened or endangered species;
(3) forests or forested areas;
(4) wetlands or wetland buffers;
(5) steep slopes (i.e., slopes of 20% or more);
(6) floodplains;
(7) any part of the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area; and
(8) significant or specimen trees.
(e) Erect.
"Erect" means:
(1) to construct, reconstruct, or move a structure on a lot; or
(2) to excavate, fill, drain, or conduct physical operations of any kind in preparation for or while undertaking the construction, reconstruction, or moving of a structure on a lot.
(f) Fairgrounds.
"Fairgrounds" means an area used variously for one or more of the following, either singularly or in combination with one another:
(1) animal shows;
(2) auctions;
(3) carnivals;
(4) circuses;
(5) concerts;
(6) fairs;
(7) food booths;
(8) games;
(9) rides;
(10) rodeos;
(11) sales; or
(12) similar activities.
(g) Family.
(1) In general.
"Family" means one of the following, together with customary household helpers:
(i) an individual;
(ii) 2 or more people related by blood, marriage, adoption, or State-supervised foster care, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit; or
(iii) a group of not more than 4 people, who need not be related, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.
(2) Roomers included.
"Family" includes, with respect to those listed in paragraph (1)(i) or (ii) only, up to 2 roomers within the dwelling unit, as long as they share a common entrance and cooking and bathroom facilities.
(3) Exclusions.
"Family" does not include, in any case:
(i) more than 4 unrelated people; or
(ii) the occupants of a rooming house, a hotel or motel, or a fraternity or sorority house.
(g-1) Farmers market.
"Farmers market" means a public market where producers of raw agricultural products sell the products directly to the public. At least 50% of vendors must sell agricultural or food products.
(h) Financial institution.
"Financial institution" includes any bank, savings and loan association, credit union, mortgage company, or standalone automated teller machine.
(i) Fishing pier.
"Fishing pier" means a fixed or floating platform that extends from the shore over the water and is used for fishing activities.
(j) Floor area: gross (GFA).
"Floor area: gross (GFA)" means the sum of the area of all floors of a structure, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls or from the centerlines of party walls.
(k) Floor area ratio (FAR).
"Floor area ratio (FAR)" means the gross floor area within a structure divided by the area of the lot.
(l) Food processing: Light.
"Food processing: Light" means an establishment for preparing, processing, canning, or packaging food and beverage products, where all these activities are within an enclosed structure and create no outside impacts.
(m) Food shop: Carry-out.
See "Carry-out food shop".
(n) Footcandle.
"Footcandle" means the unit of illumination that equals the illumination at all points 1 foot distant from a uniform light source of 1 candlepower.
(o) Forest and nature preserve.
"Forest and nature preserve" means an open space that preserves natural features and protects wildlife and critical environmental features.
(p) Fraternity or sorority house.
(1) In general.
"Fraternity or sorority house" means a primarily residential structure for the housing of undergraduates of local colleges and universities by members of the same fraternal or sororal organization or association.
(2) Inclusions.
"Fraternity or sorority house" includes a structure with shared facilities or separate dwelling units under one roof.
(q) Freight terminal.
"Freight terminal" means an establishment for receiving, transferring, or distributing freight for transport by rail, truck, or ship.
(r) Front lot line.
See "Lot line: Front".
(s) Frontage.
"Frontage" means the portion of a lot's perimeter that:
(1) coincides with the right of way line of an existing or dedicated public or private street or pedestrian way;
(2) complies with the design requirements for streets and pedestrian ways; and
(3) does not include any point or portion of perimeter coinciding with an alley, lane, or unimproved street.
(t) Fuel station.
(1) In general.
"Fuel station" means any premises or structure used for the retail sale of fuel, dispensed from fixed equipment into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles.
(2) Inclusions.
"Fuel station" includes:
(i) the accessory sale of convenience items;
(ii) an accessory freestanding self-service car wash; and
(iii) electric charging stations.
(u) Funeral home.
(1) In general.
"Funeral home" means an establishment for preparing deceased individuals for burial or cremation and for conducting rituals before burial or cremation.
(2) Inclusions.
"Funeral home" includes:
(i) chapels for viewing a deceased and for conducting rituals; and
(ii) a crematorium.
(v) Garage.
See "Parking garage (principal use)".
"Parking garage (residential, detached)".
(w) Gazebo.
"Gazebo" means a freestanding outdoor structure that is open-sided in design and not used for habitation.
(x) General industrial.
See "Industrial: General".
(y) Golf course.
(1) In general.
"Golf course" means a tract of land that has holes for playing a game of golf.
(2) Inclusions.
"Golf course" includes the following as accessory uses:
(i) a clubhouse;
(ii) a driving range;
(iii) restrooms; and
(iv) shelters.