City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-305. "Day-care home: Adult" to "Electric substation: Outdoor".

(a) Day-care home: Adult.

(1) In general.

"Day-care home: Adult" means a dwelling in which a resident of the dwelling provides care for up to 8 elderly or functionally impaired adults who do not spend the night at the dwelling.

(2) Exclusion.

"Day-care home: Adult" does not include an adult day-care center.

(b) Day-care home: Child.

(1) In general.

"Day-care home: Child" means a dwelling in which a resident of the dwelling provides care for up to 8 children, including the resident's own.

(2) Exclusions.

"Day-care home: Child" does not include a child day-care center.

(c) Dental clinic.

See "Health-care clinic".

(d) Detached dwelling.

See "Dwelling: Detached".

(e) Development (CBCA).

"Development", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.

(f) Disturb (CBCA).

"Disturb", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.

(g) Dormitory.

"Dormitory" means a structure that:

(1) is owned or operated by or for an educational institution or a hospital; and

(2) provides group sleeping accommodations in 1 room or in a series of closely associated rooms for students not members of the same family.

(h) Drive-through facility.

"Drive-through facility" means an establishment that provides products or services through an attendant, window, or automated machine to individuals occupying motor vehicles in a designated stacking space.

(i) Driveway.

"Driveway" means a connecting way that runs between a street and an off-street parking or drop-off area and is designed to permit a vehicle to leave the roadway at grade and enter entirely into the off-street area.

(j) Driving range.

(1) In general.

"Driving range" means an area that is equipped with distance markers, clubs, balls, and tees for practicing the striking of golf balls.

(2) Inclusions.

"Driving range" includes an accessory snack bar and pro-shop.

(k) Dry storage marina.

See "Marina: Dry storage".

(l) Dwelling.

"Dwelling" means a building or part of a building used for residential occupancy.

(m) Dwelling: Caretaker's.

"Dwelling: Caretaker's" means a residence for an individual employed on a site to care for and protect individuals and property on the site or on adjacent sites.

(n) Dwelling: Detached.

"Dwelling: Detached" means a dwelling that contains a single dwelling unit and is not attached to any other dwelling.

(o) Dwelling: Live-Work.

"Dwelling: Live-Work" means a structure that combines a single dwelling unit with a non-residential use that:

(1) is permitted in the zoning district in which the structure is located and used predominantly by 1 or more of the unit's residents; or

(2) is an arts-related activity, such as painting, photography, sculpture, music, and film, and conducted predominantly by 1 or more of the unit's residents.

(p) Dwelling: Multi-family.

(1) In general.

"Dwelling: Multi-family" means a dwelling that contains 2 or more dwelling units.

(2) Inclusions.

"Dwelling: Multi-family" includes common facilities for residents, such as laundry rooms.

(q) Dwelling: Multi-family (Age-restricted).

See "Age-restricted multi-family dwelling".

(r) Dwelling: Rowhouse.

"Dwelling: Rowhouse" means 1 of 3 or more buildings, each of which contains a single dwelling unit used for residential occupancy, with each building having its own private entrance and being joined to the others by a party or shared wall.

(s) Dwelling: Semi-detached.

"Dwelling: Semi-detached" means 1 of 2 buildings, each of which contains a single dwelling unit used for residential occupancy, with each building having its own private entrance and being joined to the other by a party or shared wall and not otherwise attached to any other dwelling.

(t) Dwelling: Single-family.

"Dwelling: Single-family" means a dwelling that contains only 1 dwelling unit.

(u) Dwelling unit.

"Dwelling unit" means 1 or more rooms in a dwelling that:

(1) are used as living facilities for no more than 1 family; and

(2) contain permanently installed bathroom and kitchen facilities reserved for the occupants of those rooms.

(v) Easement.

"Easement" means legal permission granted by a property owner to another for the use of the property for specific purposes, such as the construction of accessways, utilities, and roadways.

(w) Eave.

"Eave" means the projecting lower edges of a roof that overhang an exterior wall of a building.

(x) Educational facility: Commercial-vocational.

(1) In general.

"Educational facility: Commercial-vocational" means:

(i) a post-secondary school that teaches industrial, clerical, managerial, commercial, or artistic skills; or

(ii) a school conducted as a commercial enterprise, such as a driving school.

(2) Exclusions.

"Educational facility: Commercial-vocational" does not include a post-secondary educational facility.

(y) Educational facility: Post-secondary.

(1) In general.

"Educational facility: Post-secondary" means a post-secondary institution for higher learning, such as a university or college, that grants associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degrees.

(2) Inclusions.

"Educational facility: Post-secondary" includes post-secondary theological schools for training ministers, priests, rabbis, or other religious functionaries.

(3) Exclusions.

"Educational facility: Post-secondary" does not include a commercial-vocational educational facility.

(z) Educational facility: Primary and secondary.

"Educational facility: Primary and secondary" means a public, private, or parochial school that offers instruction at any of the elementary through high school levels.

(aa) Electric substation.

(1) General.

"Electric substation" means a facility that is:

(i) owned, leased, or otherwise maintained by an electric company regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission; and

(ii) primarily used to convert, switch, or terminate electric voltages at or above 4,000 volts.

(2) Inclusions.

"Electric substation" includes generation facilities used to support the electric distribution system.

(bb) Electric substation: Indoor.

"Electric substation: Indoor" means an electric substation the major components of which are housed within a covered building.

(cc) Electric substation: Outdoor.

"Electric substation: Outdoor" means an electric substation that is neither an electric substation: enclosed nor an electric substation: indoor.