City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-310. "Motor vehicle" to "Owner".

(a) Motor vehicle.

"Motor vehicle" means:

(1) a motor vehicle, as defined in §11-135 {"Motor vehicle"} of the Maryland Vehicle Law;

(2) a moped, as defined in §11-134.1 {"Moped"} of the Maryland Vehicle Law; and

(3) a motor scooter, as defined in §11-134.5 {"Motor scooter"} of the Maryland Vehicle Law.

(b) Motor vehicle dealership.

(1) In general.

"Motor vehicle dealership" means an establishment that sells or leases new or used motor vehicles.

(2) Inclusions.

"Motor vehicle dealership" includes:

(i) the maintenance, either on-site or at a nearby location, of an inventory of motor vehicles held for sale or lease; and

(ii) on-site facilities for the repair and service of vehicles sold or leased by the dealership.

(c) Motor vehicle operations facility.

(1) In general.

"Motor vehicle operations facility" means a privately-owned facility for the dispatch, storage, fueling, and maintenance of emergency medical care vehicles, public utility vehicles, taxicabs, and other livery vehicles.

(2) Exclusions.

"Motor vehicle operations facility" does not include a facility in which vehicles for fire, police, or other municipal agencies are stored or maintained or from which these vehicles are dispatched.

(d) Motor vehicle rental establishment.

(1) In general.

"Motor vehicle rental establishment" means an establishment that rents motor vehicles.

(2) Inclusions.

"Motor vehicle rental establishment" includes facilities for servicing rental vehicles.

(e) Motor vehicle service and repair: Major.

(1) In general.

"Motor vehicle service and repair: Major" means an establishment that is engaged in major repairs to motor vehicles, such as:

(i) engine rebuilding;

(ii) major reconditioning of worn or damaged motor vehicles or trailers;

(iii) towing services;

(iv) collision services, including body, frame, or fender repair or straightening; or

(v) painting.

(2) Inclusions.

"Motor vehicle service and repair: Major" includes an accessory car wash.

(f) Motor vehicle service and repair: Minor.

(1) In general.

"Motor vehicle service and repair: Minor" means an establishment that is engaged in minor repairs to motor vehicles, such as:

(i) repair or replacement of cooling, electrical, fuel, and exhaust systems;

(ii) brake adjustments, relining, and repairs;

(iii) wheel alignment, balancing, and servicing;

(iv) repair and replacement of shock absorbers; and

(v) replacement or adjustment of mufflers, tail pipes, hoses, belts, light bulbs, fuses, windshield wipers, grease retainers, and wheel bearings.

(2) Inclusions.

"Motor vehicle service and repair: Minor" includes an accessory car wash.

(3) Exclusions.

"Motor vehicle service and repair: Minor" does not include the servicing or repair of commercial vehicles.

(g) Movie studio.

(1) In general.

"Movie studio" means facilities for the production of motion pictures.

(2) Inclusions.

"Movie studio" includes stages, exterior sets, film laboratories, sound recording facilities, construction, repair, and storage facilities, caretaker's and other temporary dwellings, related commercial vehicles, and accessory fabrication activities.

(h) Multi-family dwelling.

See "Dwelling: Multi-family".

(i) Multi-family dwelling (Age-restricted).

See "Age-restricted multi-family dwelling".

(j) Neighborhood commercial establishment.

"Neighborhood commercial establishment" means a non-residential use that is within a residential or office-residential zoning district, but in a structure that:

(1) is non-residential in its construction and original use; or

(2) has received prior zoning approval for a non-residential use, as evidenced by permits, construction, or historical evidence of lawful non-residential use.

(k) Nonconforming lot.

"Nonconforming lot" has the meaning stated in § 18-201 {"Nonconformities: Definitions"} of this Code.

(l) Nonconforming structure.

"Nonconforming structure" has the meaning stated in § 18-201 {"Nonconformities: Definitions"} of this Code.

(m) Nonconforming use.

"Nonconforming use" has the meaning stated in § 18-201 {"Nonconformities: Definitions"} of this Code.

(n) Nursery.

(1) In general.

"Nursery" means a business whose principal activity is the sale of plants grown on site.

(2) Inclusions.

"Nursery" includes:

(i) outside storage, growing, or display; and

(ii) a greenhouse.

(o) Office.

(1) In general.

"Office" means an establishment that engages in the processing, manipulation, or application of business information or professional expertise, whether or not it offers services to the public.

(2) Exclusions.

"Office" does not include fabricating, assembling, repairing, or warehousing physical products for the retail or wholesale market.

(p) Off-street parking.

See "Parking: Off-street".

(q) On-street parking.

See "Parking: On-street".

(r) Outdoor dining.

"Outdoor dining" means an outdoor seating area that adjoins a restaurant or carry-out food shop and is used by patrons to consume food or drinks.

(s) Outdoor sales and display.

"Outdoor sales and display" means the outdoor sale or display of goods on part of a lot as an accessory to the principal use of the lot.

(t) Outdoor recreation.

See "Recreation: Outdoor".

(u) Outdoor storage.

(1) In general.

"Outdoor storage" means any storage of goods, material, merchandise, or equipment other than within an enclosed building.

(2) Inclusions.

"Outdoor storage" includes incidental maintenance and repair of that which is being stored.

(v) Outdoor storage yard.

(1) In general.

"Outdoor storage yard" means a lot the principal or accessory use of which is the storage, other than within an enclosed building, of any material for longer than 24 hours.

(2) Inclusions.

"Outdoor storage yard" includes all storage, whether for sale, lease, processing, or repair.

(w) Owner.

(1) In general.

"Owner" means any person that:

(i) has a legal or equitable interest in the property;

(ii) is recorded in the land records as holding title to the property; or

(iii) otherwise has control of the property, with or without accompanying possession of the property.

(2) Inclusions.

"Owner" includes:

(i) a guardian of the person or property of an owner;

(ii) a trustee of an owner's property, including a trustee in bankruptcy; or

(iii) a personal representative of an owner's estate.