§ 1-311. "Parapet" to "Processed metal".
(a) Parapet.
"Parapet" means the extension of a false front or wall above a roof-line.
(b) Parking.
"Parking" means the parking, storage, housing, or keeping of a motor vehicle, whether self-service or valet-service, long-term or short-term, ticketed or metered, for special events only, or otherwise.
(c) Parking garage (principal use).
"Parking garage (principal use)" means a structure the principal use of which is to provide off-street parking for motor vehicles, whether for compensation or not.
(d) Parking garage (residential, detached).
"Parking garage (residential, detached)" means a structure, adjacent to but detached from a dwelling, for the off-street parking of motor vehicles, with no commercial operations.
(e) Parking lot.
"Parking lot" means an open area the principal use of which is to provide off-street parking for operable motor vehicles, whether for compensation or not.
(f) Parking: Off-street.
"Parking: Off-street" means parking spaces for motor vehicles on premises other than a street or other right-of way.
(g) Parking: On-street.
"Parking: On-street" means parking spaces for motor vehicles located on a street or other right-of-way.
(h) Parking space.
"Parking space" means a designated area, whether open or enclosed, that is used for the parking of a motor vehicle.
(i) Park; Playground.
(1) In general.
"Park" or "playground" means a non-commercial facility that serves the reflective and recreational needs of residents and visitors.
(2) Inclusions.
"Park" or "playground" includes:
(i) ball fields and basketball courts;
(ii) exercise stations;
(iii) skateboarding areas;
(iv) pet areas;
(v) hiking and biking trails;
(vi) stream and lake areas;
(vii) forest and meadowland areas;
(viii) reflective, historical, cultural, and educational areas; and
(ix) structures that have indoor recreation facilities.
(j) Party wall.
"Party wall" means a wall that:
(1) extends from the foundation continuously through all stories to or above the roof;
(2) separates 1 building from another; and
(3) is in joint use by each building.
(k) Passenger terminal.
(1) In general.
"Passenger terminal" means a facility or location the principal use of which is handling, receiving, and transferring passenger traffic.
(2) Inclusions.
"Passenger terminal" includes terminals for aircraft, train, bus, and watercraft passengers.
(l) Pawn shop.
"Pawn shop" means a business that:
(1) lends money on the deposit or pledge of personal property or other items of value, other than securities or printed evidences of indebtedness; or
(2) purchases personal property or other items of value, subject to the seller's option to buy them back at a stipulated price.
(m) Permitted use.
See "Use: Permitted"
(n) Person.
(1) In general.
"Person" has the meaning stated in § 1-107(a) {"Person: In general"} of the City Code's General Provisions Article.
(2) Qualified inclusion of governmental entities.
Notwithstanding § 1-107(b) {"Person: Exclusion"} of the General Provisions Article, in this subtitle "person"also includes, except as used in Title 19, Subtitle 2 {"Enforcement"} of this Code for the imposition of civil or criminal penalties, a governmental entity or an instrumentality or unit of a governmental entity.
(o) Personal services establishment.
(1) In general.
"Personal services establishment" means an establishment that provides recurrent needed services of a personal nature.
(2) Illustrations.
Typical examples of a "personal services establishment" include:
(i) beauty shops, including micro-blading services, and barbershops;
(ii) tanning salons;
(iii) animal grooming establishments;
(iv) electronics repair shops;
(v) laundromats, dry cleaners, and tailors; and
(vi) certified massage therapists or similar licensed professionals.
(p) Place of worship.
(1) In general.
"Place of worship" means a building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, where individuals regularly assemble for religious purposes and related social events.
(2) Inclusions.
"Place of worship" includes:
(i) group housing for individuals under religious vows or in religious orders; and
(ii) accessory programs that provide care for children or for elderly or functionally impaired adults.
(q) Planning Director; Director of Planning.
"Planning Director" or "Director of Planning" means the Director of the Department of Planning, as appointed under City Charter Article VII, § 73, or the Director's designee.
(r) Playground.
See "Park; Playground".
(s) Porch.
"Porch" means a structure that projects from the exterior wall of a building, has direct access to the street level of the building, and may be covered by a roof or eaves.
(t) Principal building.
See "Building: Principal".
(u) Principal use.
See "Use: Principal".
(v) Printing establishment.
(1) In general.
"Printing establishment" means a facility for the reproduction of written or graphic materials on a custom-order basis for individuals or businesses.
(2) Illustrations.
Typical examples of a "printing establishment" include:
(i) photocopying;
(ii) blueprinting;
(iii) offset printing; and
(iv) facsimile sending and receiving.
(w) Private pier.
"Private pier" means facilities with 4 or fewer slips, used exclusively for private, recreational purposes by the owner and the owner's guests.
(x) Processed metal.
See "Junk or scrap storage and yards".