§ 1-313. "Roofline" to "Substantial construction".
(a) Roofline.
"Roofline" means the top edge of a roof or building parapet, whichever is higher, excluding any cupolas, pylons, chimneys, or minor projections.
(b) Rooming house.
(1) "Rooming unit" defined.
In this section, "rooming unit" means any room or group of rooms that forms a single habitable unit occupied or designed or intended to be occupied for sleeping or living purposes, but not for cooking purposes.
(2) In general.
"Rooming house" means a building that:
(i) is not a dwelling;
(ii) contains 3 or more rooming units occupied or designed or intended to be occupied as a primary residence by individuals who, even though they do share common areas and facilities, do not form a single housekeeping unit and do not provide compensation under a single lease for occupancy of the facility; and
(iii) provides shared facilities such as a kitchen and bath.
(c) Rowhouse.
See "Dwelling: Rowhouse".
(d) Satellite dish antenna.
"Satellite dish antenna" means a dish antenna for transmitting signals to a receiver or receiving station or for receiving television, radio, data, communication, or other signals from satellites or from other antennas or services.
(e) Seasonal or holiday sales lot.
"Seasonal or holiday sales lot" means a temporary retail sales operation, generally conducted outdoors, that offers for sale seasonal or holiday related items, such as Christmas trees and pumpkins.
(f) Semi-detached dwelling.
See "Dwelling: Semi-detached".
(g) Shielded lighting.
See "Lighting: Shielded".
(h) Shipyard.
"Shipyard" means any facility or area that is designed or used for the manufacture, assembly, or repair of ships, barges, or boats.
(i) Side lot line.
See "Lot line: Side".
(j) Sign.
(1) In general.
"Sign" means any writing (including letter, word, or numeral), pictorial representation (including illustration or graphic), emblem (including logo, symbol, or trademark), device, or any other figure of similar character that:
(i) is attached to, painted on, projected on, or in any other way represented on a structure, in or on a window (including anything affixed to the interior and displayed within 12 inches of a window), or on the ground;
(ii) is used to announce, direct attention, or advertise; and
(iii) is visible from outside a structure.
(2) Types of signs.
Specific types of signs are as described in § 17-102 {"Signs: Definitions"} of this Code.
(k) Significant development.
"Significant development", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.
(l) Social club.
See "Lodge or social club".
(m) Solid waste sanitary landfill.
See "Landfill: Solid waste sanitary".
(n) Special exception.
See "Use: Conditional".
(o) Stadium.
(1) In general.
"Stadium" means a structure with tiers of seats rising around a field or court, intended to be used:
(i) primarily for the viewing of athletic events; and
(ii) secondarily, for entertainment and other public gathering purposes, such as conventions, circuses, or concerts.
(2) Inclusions.
"Stadium" includes the following accessory uses designed and intended primarily for patrons of the facility:
(i) a gift or souvenir shop; and
(ii) a restaurant or refreshment stands.
(p) Stacking space.
"Stacking space" means a space specifically designated as a waiting area for vehicles patronizing a drive-through establishment.
(q) Stormwater.
"Stormwater" means the water running off the surface of a drainage area during and immediately following rain or as a result of other precipitation.
(r) Story.
"Story" means that portion of a building, other than a basement, that is:
(1) included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it; or
(2) if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it.
(s) {Repealed}
(t) Structural alteration.
"Structural alteration" means:
(1) a change in the permanent physical members of a structure, such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders; or
(2) any substantial change in the roof or in the exterior walls.
(u) Structure.
(1) In general.
"Structure" means all or any part of anything erected that:
(i) has a fixed location on the ground; or
(ii) is attached to something having a fixed location on the ground.
(2) Inclusions.
"Structure" includes any building, fence, wall, sign, or tower.
(v) Structure: Accessory.
See "Accessory structure".
(w) Substantial construction.
"Substantial construction" means:
(1) for new construction, that construction materials have been placed in permanent positions or fastened in a permanent manner; or
(2) in preparation for rebuilding, that excavation, demolition, or removal of an existing structure has been substantially begun and is carried on diligently.