City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 1-314. "Tavern" to "Wholesale Goods".

(a) Tavern.

"Tavern" means a business establishment that:

(1) is devoted primarily to serving alcoholic beverages to the public for on-premises consumption; and

(2) might or might not also:

(i) serve food; and

(ii) sell alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption.

(b) Through lot.

See "Lot: Through".

(c) Transparency (of facade).

"Transparency", when used in reference to a building's facade, means the percentage of the facade that consists of glass.

(d) Truck repair.

(1) In general.

"Truck repair" means an establishment that is engaged in the repair and servicing of trucks.

(2) "Truck" defined.

In this subsection, "truck" means a commercial vehicle of more than 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.

(e) Truck stop.

(1) In general.

"Truck stop" means a facility primarily for the retail sale of fuel for commercial vehicles.

(2) Inclusions.

"Truck stop" includes:

(i) incidental repair or servicing of commercial vehicles; and

(ii) facilities for parking and for drivers to eat and rest.

(f) Truck terminal.

"Truck terminal" means a facility primarily:

(1) to accommodate the transfer of goods to trucks, truck trailers, or other vehicles; or

(2) to accommodate the parking or storage of commercial vehicles or trailers.

(g) Unshielded lighting.

See "Lighting: Unshielded".

(h) Urban agriculture.

(1) In general.

"Urban agriculture" means the cultivation, processing, and marketing of food, with a primary emphasis on operating as a business enterprise.

(2) Inclusions.

(i) "Urban agriculture" includes:

(A) animal husbandry;

(B) aquaculture;

(C) agro-forestry;

(D) vineyards and wineries; and

(E) horticulture.

(ii) "Urban agriculture" might involve the use of:

(A) intensive production methods;

(B) structures for extended growing seasons;

(C) on-site sale of produce; and

(D) composting.

(i) Use.

"Use" means:

(1) any purpose for which land or a structure is used, occupied, or intended to be used or occupied; and

(2) any activity, occupation, business, or operation that is carried out on land or in a structure.

(j) Use: Accessory.

See "Accessory use".

(k) Use: Conditional.

"Use: Conditional" means a use that:

(1) may be authorized by the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals or, if required by this Code, by Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council as a special exception under the State Land Use Article; and

(2) is subject to review and approval by the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals or by the Mayor and City Council, as the case may be, and the imposition of conditions or restrictions under this Code.

(k-1) Single-family dwelling.

See "Dwelling: Single-family".

(l) Use: Permitted.

"Use: Permitted" means a use allowed in a zoning district without the need for special administrative review and approval, as long as it conforms to all the applicable requirements and standards of this Code.

(m) Use: Principal.

"Use: Principal" means the main use of land or a structure, as distinguished from an accessory use.

(n) Utilities.

"Utilities" includes:

(1) natural gas lines, power lines, alternative energy systems, steamlines, telephone lines, cable television lines, fiber optic lines, and other communication lines;

(2) above ground private utility structures, such as pedestals for cable wire access or other access points for underground infrastructure (communications wiring or fiber optic);

(3) appurtenances and components of these; and

(4) the operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of these.

(o) Vehicle dismantling facility.

(1) In general.

"Vehicle dismantling facility" means an establishment for the buying, selling, trading, storing, or otherwise dealing in vehicles for the purpose of dismantling the vehicles and buying, selling, storing, or trading their integral parts or component materials.

(2) Inclusions.

"Vehicle dismantling facility" includes pull-or-pick-apart facilities, salvage pools, salvage auctions, and businesses and individuals that handle salvage vehicles.

(p) Video lottery facility.

(1) In general.

"Video lottery facility" means a facility that has been awarded a Video Lottery Operation License by the Maryland Video Lottery Location Commission under State Government Article, Title 9, Subtitle 1A.

(2) Inclusions.

"Video lottery facility" includes:

(i) the permitted number of video lottery terminals;

(ii) associated food and beverage operations;

(iii) associated live entertainment and dancing; and

(iv) associated parking facilities located on adjacent lots.

(q) Vocational school.

See "Educational facility: Commercial-vocational".

(r) Warehouse.

"Warehouse" means a facility for the storage and distribution of products, supplies, and equipment.

(s) Water-dependent facilities.

"Water-dependent facilities", as it applies to the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, has the meaning stated in § 7-402 {"CBCA Overlay: Definitions"} of this Code.

(t) Waterfreight terminal.

(1) In general.

"Waterfreight terminal" means a facility used for waterborne commodities.

(2) Inclusions.

"Waterfreight terminal" includes docks, piers, wharves, storage sheds, and rail and truck facilities that service or relate to, a waterfreight terminal.

(u) Wholesale goods establishment.

(1) In general.

"Wholesale goods establishment" means a facility primarily engaged in:

(i) selling or distributing merchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional, or professional business users, or to other wholesalers; or

(ii) acting as an agent or broker and buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, businesses of the sort listed.

(2) Inclusions.

"Wholesale goods establishment" includes the following accessory uses:

(i) a showroom for the display of items stored on-site; and

(ii) retail sales to the public.