§ 1-315. "Yard" to "Zoo".
(a) Yard (Required).
"Yard", when used with respect to required yards, means the space between a building and the adjoining lot lines that, except as otherwise permitted by this Code, is unoccupied, open, and unobstructed by any part of a structure from the ground to the sky.
(b) Yard: Corner-side (Required).
"Yard: Corner-side", when used with respect to required yards, means the yard that extends along the corner-side lot line between the front yard and the rear lot line for the required minimum depth, as specified for the district in which the lot is located, measured perpendicular to the corner-side lot line.
(c) Yard: Front (Required).
"Yard: Front", when used with respect to required yards, means the yard that extends the full width of the lot between side lot lines for the required minimum depth, as specified by the zoning district in which the lot is located, measured perpendicular to the front lot line.
(d) Yard: Interior-side (Required).
"Yard: Interior-side", when used with respect to required yards, means the yard that extends along an interior-side lot line, between the front and rear yards, for the required minimum depth, as specified for the district in which the lot is located, measured perpendicular to the interior-side lot line.
(e) Yard: Rear (Required).
"Yard: Rear", when used with respect to required yards, means the yard that extends between the side lot lines for the required minimum depth, as specified by the zoning district in which the lot is located, measured perpendicular to the rear lot line.
(f) Zoning Administrator; Administrator.
"Zoning Administrator" or "Administrator" means the executive head of the Office of Zoning Administrator, as established under § 3-201 {"Zoning Administrator"} of this Code, or the Administrator's designee.
(g) Zoning Board; BMZA.
"Zoning Board" or "BMZA" means the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals, as established in City Charter Article VII, § 82.
(h) Zoo.
(1) In general.
"Zoo" means a facility in which animals are exhibited or displayed to the public.
(2) Inclusions.
"Zoo" includes the following accessory uses designed and intended primarily for patrons of the facility:
(i) a gift or souvenir shop; and
(ii) a restaurant or refreshment stands.