City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 15-514. Recycling collection stations.

(a) "Recycling collection station" defined.

(1) "Recycling collection station" means a receptacle, usually a trailer or roll-off, that is located on a hard surface and used for collecting recyclable materials, including paper (corrugated boxes, high grade paper, newspapers, and the like), cans (aluminum, tin, or bi-metal), aluminum scrap, non-ferrous metal (copper, brass, zinc, lead, or tin), glass bottles, and plastics.

(2) "Recycling collection station" includes receptacles for the collection of leaf and yard waste.

(b) Standards.

Recycling collection stations are conditional uses, subject to the following standards:

(1) No mechanical processing or shredding is allowed on-site.

(2) In approving a recycling collection station, the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals must consider:

(i) the size of the transfer trailer or roll-off and its location on the site;

(ii) availability of off-street parking and the impact on any existing parking lot;

(iii) whether an attendant is to be provided or required and the hours of operation, which must be clearly posted on the trailer or roll-off;

(iv) impact on adjacent residences or businesses;

(v) whether other recycling collection stations are in the immediate neighborhood;

(vi) whether landscaping or screening is needed and what is to be provided; and

(vii) compliance with all applicable building, housing, and health code standards.