§ 15-515. Refuse disposal containers and refuse storage areas.
(a) Location.
Refuse disposal containers and refuse storage areas must be located to the rear or side of structures.
(b) Recycling bins.
Refuse disposal containers and refuse storage areas may store recycling bins.
(c) Enclosure of containers – Required.
(1) All refuse disposal containers must be fully enclosed on 3 sides by a 6-feet high or higher:
(i) solid wood or simulated wood screen fence;
(ii) opaque masonry wall (stone, stucco, or brick); or
(iii) principal structure wall.
(2) The materials used for the enclosure must complement the architecture of the principal structure.
(3) The enclosure must be gated.
(d) Enclosure of containers – Use of exterior wall extension.
An extension of an exterior principal structure wall may be used as one of the 3 walls for enclosing a refuse disposal container as long as the extension meets the minimum 6-feet high requirement and is of the same building materials as the principal structure.
(e) Qualified exception for on-site construction.
(1) This section does not apply to a refuse disposal container used as part of on-site construction as long as:
(i) the container is maintained on the construction site; or
(ii) a minor privilege permit is obtained to allow the container on the public right-of-way.
(2) The container must be removed once construction is complete.