City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 17-406. Billboards.

(a) General prohibitions.

(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Code, the erection, conversion, placement, or construction of new billboards, static or digital, is prohibited.

(2) No billboard may have audio speakers or any audio component.

(b) Digital billboard defined.

In this section, "digital billboard" means any billboard that is also an electronic sign.

(c) New billboards..

(1) New billboards are only allowed in an Area of Special Signage Control.

(2) In addition:

(i) new non-digital billboards may only be located in a C-1, C-1-E, C-1-VC, C-5-DC, or PC Zoning District and may not exceed 50 square feet; and

(ii) new digital billboards are subject to the following requirements:

(A) they may only be located in a C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, TOD-4, or PC Zoning District;

(B) digital animation, streaming video, or images that move or give the appearance of movement are only allowed as described in the approved Signage Plan; and.

(C) all digital billboards must have ambient light monitors that automatically adjust the brightness level of the billboard based on ambient light conditions.

(3) Billboards may only be integrated into any other sign type listed in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations for that zoning district.

(d) Conversion of existing non-digital billboards.

(1) In general.

An existing non-digital billboard may be converted to a digital billboard only if:

(i) it is accompanied by documentation that at least 3 existing billboard faces in the City have been removed for each new digital billboard face to be placed or erected;

(ii) each message or image displayed on the digital billboard must be static or follow standards for electronic signs;

(iii) digital animation, streaming video, or images that move or give the appearance of movement are prohibited;

(iv) the digital billboard has ambient light monitors that automatically adjust the brightness level of the billboard based on ambient light conditions;

(v) the billboard does not have audio speakers or any audio component;

(vi) the new digital billboard is not relocated by more than 15 feet in any direction from its original location;

(vii) each billboard being removed is a minimum of 100 square feet; and

(viii) the applicant submits proof of current billboard tax payment at the time of application for conversion.

(2) Printed billboard removal credit.

(i) The Zoning Administrator shall maintain an account of removals of existing printed billboards and shall credit the account of the owner of a printed billboard for each printed billboard that is removed.

(ii) In order to document the removal of a printed billboard, the owner shall submit to the Zoning Administrator a copy of the conversion permit for the removal of the billboard and photographs documenting the removal.

(iii) A printed billboard removal credit may be reserved and used by the original owner of the credit within 5 years after the removal of the printed billboard.

(e) Exclusions.

An existing billboard may not be converted to a digital billboard if:

(1) it is attached to a building that is 35 feet or less in height;

(2) it is a pole mounted billboard that is 35 feet or less in height; or

(3) it is located in or within 250 feet of a residential district.