§ 17-407. Electronic signs.
(a) Where allowed.
Electronic signs are allowed:
(1) in Residential Zoning Districts R-1A through R-10 for all uses allowed in the Institutional use category on lots with a minimum of 30 feet of building frontage and 7,500 square feet of lot area.
(2) in non-residential zoning districts:
(i) in a residential use category, only for multi-family dwellings with 50 or more units; and
(ii) in all other use categories, for all uses for which the sign is otherwise allowed under this title; and
(3) in the zoning districts specified in this title or in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations.
(b) Types.
(i) Category I: No larger than15 square feet.
(ii) Category II: No larger than 50 square feet.
(iii) Category III: No larger than 750 square feet.
(iv) Category IV: No larger than 5,000 square feet.
(v) Category V: No larger than 10,500 square feet.
(c) Dwell and loop time.
Text and digital graphics must be static or have a minimum dwell time of 8 seconds. Digital animation and videos must have a maximum loop time of 1 minute. The dwell time for any previously approved electronic sign may be modified to 8 seconds without the need for any further approval.
(d) Adding electronic sign components to existing signs or other sign types.
(1) Electronic signs and electronic sign components may only be in the form of or integrated into sign types listed in this subtitle and Table 17-201: Sign Regulations.
(2) A standalone electronic sign must conform to:
(i) the requirements and maximum sign area for electronic signs, as provided in this subtitle and Table 17-201: Sign Regulations; and
(ii) all other requirements for non-electronic sign types, as provided in this title, in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations, and in Table 17-306: Maximum Cumulative Area of Signs, unless otherwise specified by this title or these tables.
(3) Where electronic signs are allowed:
(i) an electronic sign component may be integrated into a non-electronic sign;
(ii) the combined sign area of an electronic sign component and another sign type may not exceed the maximum sign area for the other sign type; and
(iii) the electronic sign component may not exceed 25% of the maximum sign area for the other sign type.
(e) Requirements by category.
(1) Category I electronic signs are subject to the following requirements:
(i) the electronic component may not exceed:
(A) 15 square feet in area; plus
(B) the percentage deviation allowed by Table 17-201: Sign Regulations and specified in an approved Signage Plan;
(ii) only 1 electronic sign is allowed per lot;
(iii) each message displayed on an electronic sign is limited to text only, and that text must be static or depicted for at least 10 seconds; and
(iv) electronic signs may only be in the form of or integrated into a freestanding sign or wall sign type.
(2) Category II electronic signs are subject to the following requirements:
(i) the electronic component may not exceed:
(A) 50 square feet in area; plus
(B) the percentage deviation allowed by Table 17-201: Sign
Regulations and specified in an approved Signage Plan;
(ii) no more than 2 electronic signs are allowed per lot;
(iii) the electronic signs may include text and digital graphics, but digital animation and video is only allowed in an Area of Special Signage Control;
(iv) electronic signs may only be in the form of or integrated into a freestanding sign, projecting sign, or wall sign type, but if a projecting sign is used, the electronic component may not exceed 25 square feet; and
(v) in the C-5 and PC Zoning Districts, digital projection on windows is allowed on the ground floor.
(3) Category III electronic signs are subject to the following requirements:
(i) these signs are only allowed in an approved Area of Special Signage Control;
(ii) the electronic component may not exceed:
(A) 750 square feet in area; plus
(B) the percentage deviation allowed by Table 17-201: Sign
Regulations and specified in an approved Signage Plan;
(iii) the quantity and location of signs are as allowed by the approved Signage Plan;
(iv) each message displayed on an electronic sign may include text, digital graphics, digital video, and digital animation; and
(v) electronic signs may only be in the form of or integrated into a freestanding sign, open structural framework, roof sign, or wall sign type.
(4) Category IV electronic signs are subject to the following requirements:
(i) these signs are only allowed in an approved Area of Special Signage Control;
(ii) the electronic component may not exceed:
(A) 5,000 square feet in area; plus
(B) the percentage deviation allowed by Table 17-201: Sign
Regulations and specified in an approved Signage Plan;
(iii) the quantity and location of signs are as allowed by the approved Signage Plan;
(iv) each message displayed on an electronic sign may include text, digital graphics, digital video, and digital animation; and
(v) electronic Signs may only be in the form of or integrated into a freestanding sign, roof sign, open structural framework, or wall sign type.
(5) Category V electronic signs are subject to the following requirements:
(i) these signs are only allowed in an approved Area of Special Signage Control;
(ii) the electronic component may not exceed:
(A) 10,500 square feet in area; plus
(B) the percentage deviation allowed by Table 17-201: Sign
Regulations and specified in an approved Signage Plan;
(iii) the quantity and location of signs are as allowed by the approved Signage Plan;
(iv) each message displayed on an electronic sign may include text, digital graphics, digital video, and digital animation; and
(v) electronic signs may only be in the form of or integrated into a wall sign type.
(f) Clearance and projection.
(1) Projecting electronic signs must maintain at least 8 feet vertical clearance from the ground.
(2) Electronic wall signs may project beyond 12 inches from the wall of a building face up to no more than 6 feet from the wall of the building face if:
(i) the electronic wall sign is 200 square feet or greater;
(ii) is in an approved signage plan within an area of special signage control;
(iii) the wall supports, necessary internal sign components, structural support, or maintenance access requires the projection beyond 12 inches and only to the minimum extent beyond 12 inches necessitated;
(iv) maintains a clearance of at least 8 feet from the ground if the electronic wall sign does not rest on the ground; and
(v) meets all requirements of the Building Code and any other applicable regulations.
(g) Architecture.
(1) No electronic sign affixed to a building, including sign support structure, may project beyond the ends or top of the wall or higher than any roofline of the structure to which it is attached.
(2) In Local Historic Districts and Local Landmarks designated by the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation, electronic signage may be added to an existing canopy that is integral to the architecture of the building in accordance with all applicable rules of this article, Title 17, Table 17-201: Sign Regulations, and Table 17-306: Maximum Cumulative Area of Signs.