§ 17-408. Freestanding signs.
(a) Where allowed.
Freestanding signs are allowed:
(1) in a residential use category, only for multi-family dwellings with 20 or more units, dormitories with 20 or more rooms, and residential-care facilities with 17 or more residents;
(2) in all other use categories, for all uses for which the sign is otherwise allowed under this title; and
(3) in the zoning districts specified in this title or in Table 17-201: Sign Regulations.
(b) Frontage.
(1) To erect a freestanding monument sign, the lot must have a minimum of 50 feet of frontage along a public right-of-way.
(2) To erect a freestanding pole sign or a freestanding pylon sign, the lot must have a minimum of 100 feet of frontage along a public right-of-way.
(c) Additional requirements.
(1) All freestanding signs must be securely built, constructed, and erected on posts, bases, and standards that are sunk below the natural surface in a manner that will prevent the sign from overturning.
(2) On a freestanding pole sign, no message or graphic is allowed within the minimum pole height.
(3) On a freestanding pole sign, the poles, uprights, or braces may not be more than 25% of the width of the lowest point of the message or graphic being supported.
(4) Where allowed, all freestanding signs may only be placed within 20 feet of the front or corner side lot line of any lot adjoining a street right-of-way of at least 30 feet wide.
(5) The height of the open space between the ground and the message component of any freestanding monument sign may not exceed more than 40% of the total sign height.
(6) Unless otherwise provided in this title, the maximum square footage of multiple freestanding signs may not be combined to create a larger freestanding sign.
(d) No encroachment.
No part of any freestanding sign may project into, over, or otherwise encroach on a public right-of- way.