City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 3-3. Education.

(a) In general.

It is an unlawful educational practice for any person, any educational institution, or any owner, superintendent, teacher, professor, manager, trustee, or officer of an educational institution to:

(1) discriminate in admissions to such institutions or to restrict or limit the same by quota or otherwise;

(2) discriminate in the admission of any student to any course or courses of study or programs offered by or in any such educational institution;

(3) discriminate against any student with respect to any of the facilities of such institution otherwise afforded to students or available to students, whether or not such facilities or accommodations are on or off the campus or owned, rented, or leased for the benefit of students;

(4) discriminate or promote discrimination by any organization officially recognized by such educational institution with respect to any extra-curricular activities, whether or not those activities take place on or off the campus of said educational institution; except that it shall not be considered to be discriminatory if such organizations restrict their membership or their activities to one sex or the other;

(5) discriminate against any person in the establishment of rates, fees, or tuition for any service or program offered by such educational institution, or by any owner, superintendent, teacher, professor, manager, or officer thereof;

(6) communicate, publish, advertise, or represent:

(i) that any of the courses, services, programs, facilities, lectures, affairs, or privileges are withheld from or denied to any person on a discriminatory basis; or

(ii) that any person is unwelcome, objectionable, or unacceptable because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or HIV or AIDS status;

(7) discriminate in admissions to such institutions or in admission to any course or courses of study or programs offered by any educational institution because of a mental or physical disability of a student except where specific physical or mental skills may be reasonably required; or

(8) willfully and repeatedly use an individual's incorrect name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the individual's correct name or pronouns, unless otherwise required by law.

(b) Exemptions.

This section is subject to the exemptions based upon religious principles provided in § 1-1(f) of this article.