§ 10-5. Restoration of damaged property.
(a) Estimate to be obtained.
In the event of the loss, damage, or destruction of property owned by or in the custody of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the department, sub-department, municipal official, special commission, or board subjected to loss shall promptly notify the Comptroller and the Director of Public Works, the Director of Transportation, or the Director of General Services, whichever has jurisdiction, to obtain an estimate of the cost of repair, rebuilding, or replacement from the latter.
(b) Estimated loss not more than $200,000.
(1) If the loss is estimated to be not more than $200,000, the agency, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works, the Director of Transportation, or the Director of General Services, whichever has jurisdiction, either shall arrange for repairs by its own maintenance force or shall proceed in the usual manner to effect the awarding of a contract for the work.
(2) Upon completion and the consequent knowledge of the actual cost of the restoration, the agency shall apply to the Comptroller for reimbursement from the Self-Insurance Fund. Upon approval by the Comptroller, a request for the transfer of the actual cost of the work performed from the Self-Insurance Fund to the appropriate account of the affected agency shall be made to the Director of Finance.
(3) The first $1,000 of each loss shall be borne by the agency suffering the loss, and the agency shall be reimbursed for the total amount of loss in excess of this sum.
(c) Estimated loss more than $200,000.
If at the time of the estimate of the Director of Public Works, the Director of Transportation, or the Director of General Services, whichever has jurisdiction, it is reasonably expected that the loss may be in excess of $200,000, a copy of the estimate shall be transmitted immediately to the Comptroller to enable him or her to negotiate with the insurance carrier.