City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-5. Fair Election Fund established.

(a) In general.

There is a Baltimore City Fair Election Fund.

(b) Nature of Fund.

The Fund is a continuing, nonlapsing fund established under the authority of City Charter Article I, § 15 {"Special fund for fair elections"}.

(c) Purposes of Fund.

As set forth in City Charter Article I, § 15(a)(2), the purposes of the Fund include:

(1) providing direct funding to candidates for public office who meet certain qualifications;

(2) providing technical assistance and training to individuals seeking to make use of public campaign funding;

(3) publicizing the availability of public campaign funding; and

(4) administering a public campaign funding program.

(d) Contents of Fund.

The Fund consists of:

(1) money appropriated to the Fund in the annual Ordinances of Estimates;

(2) grants or donations made to the Fund;

(3) any unspent money remaining in a certified candidate's publicly funded campaign account after the candidate is no longer a candidate for office;

(4) any public contribution plus interest returned to the Fund by a participating candidate who withdraws from participation;

(5) interest earned on money in the Fund; and

(6) proceeds from fees and fines collected under this subtitle.

(e) Uses of Fund.

The Fund may only be used for the purposes specified in subsection (c) of this section.