City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-18. Washington Hill District.

The area located within the boundaries set forth in this section is hereby declared to be the Washington Hill Historical and Architectural Preservation District:

Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the centerline of Chapel Street, 26 feet wide, and the centerline of Lombard Street, 60 feet wide, and running thence binding on the centerline of said Lombard Street, crossing Wolfe Street, Durham Street, Ann Street and Regester Street, Westerly 1,142 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Broadway, 130.8 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Broadway, Southerly 418 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Pratt Street, 60 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Pratt Street, Westerly 296 feet, more or less, to intersect the center line of Bethel Street, 20 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Bethel Street. Northerly 413 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Lombard Street, 49.5 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of last said Lombard Street, crossing Caroline Street, Spring Street and Eden Street, Westerly 1,393 feet, more or less, to intersect the west side of Central Avenue, 110 feet wide; thence binding on the west side of said Central Avenue, crossing Watson Street and Baltimore Street, Northerly 900 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Fayette Street, 100 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Fayette Street, Easterly 420 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of east outline of the property known as No. 1401 E. Fayette Street, if projected northerly; thence binding in part reversely on said line, so projected, in part on the east outline of said property, and in all, Southerly 155 feet, more or less, to intersect the north outline of the property known as No. 1400 E. Fairmount Avenue; thence binding on the north outline of last said property, the five following courses and distances; namely, Westerly 17 feet, more or less, Northerly 58 feet, more or less, Westerly 10 feet, more or less, Southerly 93 feet, more or less, and Westerly 14 feet, more or less, to the west outline of last said property; thence binding in part on the west outline of last said property, in part on the line of the west outline of last said property, and in all, Southerly 108 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Fairmount Avenue, as now laid out; thence binding on the centerline of said Fairmount Avenue, crossing Spring Street, Easterly 260 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the centerline of an alley, 4 feet wide, laid out in the rear of the properties known as No. 28 through No. 38 N. Caroline Street, if projected southerly; thence binding in part reversely on last said line, so projected, in part on the centerline of said alley, and in all, Northerly 98 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the north outline of said property known as No. 38 N. Caroline Street, if projected westerly; thence binding in part reversely on last said line, so projected, in part on the north outline of last said property, in part on the line of the north outline of last said property, if projected easterly, and in all, Easterly 102 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Caroline Street, 80 feet wide, thence binding on the centerline of said Caroline Street, Northerly 75 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the north outline of the property known as No. 29/43 N. Caroline Street, if projected westerly; thence binding in part reversely on last said line, so projected, in part on said north outline of last said property, and in all, Easterly 112 feet, more or less, to intersect the west outline of the property known as No. 112 N. Dallas Street; thence binding on the west outline of last said property, Northerly 13 feet, more or less, to the north outline of last said property; thence binding in part on the north outline of last said property, in part on the line of the north outline of last said property, if projected easterly, and in all, Easterly 95 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Dallas Street, as now laid out; thence binding on the centerline of said Dallas Street, Southerly 150 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of said Fairmount Avenue; thence binding on the centerline of said Fairmount Avenue, Easterly 196 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Bond Street, 70 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Bond Street, Southerly 355 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of said Baltimore Street, 70 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Baltimore Street, Easterly 247 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of said Bethel Street; thence binding on the centerline of said Bethel Street, Northerly 170 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of an alley, 20 feet wide, laid out 125 feet, north of said Baltimore Street; thence binding in part on the centerline of last said alley, in part on the line of the centerline of last said alley, if projected easterly, and in all, Easterly 295 feet, more or less, to intersect the center line of Broadway, as now laid out; thence binding on the centerline of last said Broadway, crossing Fairmount Avenue, Northerly 702 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Fayette Street, 70 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of last said Fayette Street, Easterly 589 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Ann Street, 70 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Ann Street, crossing Fairmount Avenue, Southerly 876 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of said Baltimore Street; thence binding on the centerline of said Baltimore Street, Easterly 154 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Durham Street, 20 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Durham Street, Northerly 145 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of an alley, 20 feet wide, laid out 100 feet north of said Baltimore Street; thence binding in part on the centerline of last said alley, in part on the line of the centerline of last said alley, if projected easterly, and in all, Easterly 184 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Wolfe Street, 60 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Wolfe Street, Southerly 145 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of said Baltimore Street; thence binding on the centerline of said Baltimore Street, Easterly 181 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Chapel Street, 20 feet wide, and thence binding in part on the centerline of last said Chapel Street, in part on the centerline of Chapel Street, 26 feet wide, and in all, Southerly 419 feet, more of less, to the place of beginning.