City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 11-27. Hunting Ridge District.

The area located within the following boundaries is declared to be the Hunting Ridge Historic District.

Beginning for Area I at the point formed by the intersection of the north side of Edmondson Avenue and the northeast side of Cooks Lane, and running thence binding on the northeast side of Cooks Lane, Northwesterly 381 feet, more or less, to the northwest side of a 12-foot alley laid out in the rear of the properties known as Nos. 4826 through 4800 Coleherne Road; thence binding on the northwest side of said alley, Northeasterly 576 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of a 12-foot alley laid out in the rear of the properties known as Nos. 623 through 601 Nottingham Road; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Southeasterly 525 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the north outline of the property known as No. 4716 Edmondson Avenue, if projected westerly; thence binding in part reversely on said line, in part on the north outlines of the properties known as Nos. 4716 through 4706 Edmondson Avenue, and in all, Easterly 390 feet, more or less, to the rear of the property known as No. 601 Brookwood Road; thence binding in part on the rear outlines of the properties known as Nos. 601 through 733 Brookwood Road, in part on the line of the rear outline of No. 733 Brookwood Road, projected northwesterly, and in all, Northwesterly 1536 feet, more or less, to intersect the northwest side of Briarclift Road; thence binding on the northwest and northeast sides of Briarclift Road crossing Winans Way, in a generally Northeasterly direction 2650 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the rear outline of the property known as No. 807 Glen Allen Drive, if projected northerly; thence binding in part reversely on the line of the rear outline of the property known as No. 807 Glen Allen Drive, in part on the rear outlines of the properties known as Nos. 807 through 701 Glen Allen Drive, and in all, Southerly 1241 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of Rokeby Road; thence binding on the north side of Rokeby Road, Westerly 41.8 feet, more or less; thence by a straight line, Southwesterly 51 feet, more or less, to the point formed by the intersection of the southwest side of Rokeby Road and the west side of Glen Allen Drive; thence binding on the west side of Glen Allen Drive, Southerly 577 feet, more or less, to intersect the north outline of the property known as No. 4646 Edmondson Avenue; thence binding on the north outline of the property known as No. 4646 Edmondson Avenue, the three following courses and distances; namely, Westerly 225 feet, more or less, Southerly 12 feet, more or less, and Westerly 171 feet, more or less, to intersect the east side of Winans Way; thence binding on the east side of Winans Way, Southerly 200 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of Edmondson Avenue, and thence binding on the north side of Edmondson Avenue, Westerly 1135 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.

Beginning for Area II at the point formed by the intersection of the east side of Nottingham Road and the southwest outline of the property known as No. 703 Nottingham Road, and running thence binding on the east side of Nottingham Road, Northeasterly by an arc curving to the left with a radius of 40 feet the distance of 29 feet, more or less, to the northeast outline of said property, and thence binding on the northeast, southeast and southwest outlines of the property known as No. 703 Nottingham Road, the three following courses and distances; namely, in a generally Southeast direction 98 feet, more or less, Southwesterly 62 feet, more or less, and in a generally Northwest direction 76 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.