§ 11-36. Federal Hill Local Historic District.
The area located within the following boundaries is declared to be the Federal Hill Local Historic District.
Beginning at the intersection of West Hughes Street and South Hanover Street; then from the point of beginning binding on the centerline of West Hughes Street easterly for approximately 329 feet, crossing South Charles Street, and continuing on the centerline of East Hughes Street easterly for approximately 533 feet to intersect Light Street; then binding on the centerline of Light Street northerly for approximately 27 feet to intersect the centerline of Key Highway; then binding to the centerline of Key Highway easterly for approximately 1,572 feet to intersect the centerline of Covington Street; then binding on the centerline of Covington Street southerly for approximately 1,154 feet to intersect East Cross Street; then binding westerly on the centerline of East Cross Street for approximately 2,101 feet to the intersection with South Charles Street, then continuing onto West Cross Street for approximately 328 feet to the intersection with South Hanover Street; then binding on the centerline of South Hanover Street for approximately 1,350 feet to the point of beginning.