§ 11-37. Five and Dime Historic District.
The area located within the following boundaries is declared to be the Five and Dime Historic District.
Beginning at the intersection of Clay Street and Park Avenue; then from the point of beginning binding on the centerline of Clay Street easterly for approximately 316 feet to the west side of North Liberty Street; then binding to the property lines on the west side of North Liberty Street southwesterly for approximately 663 feet to the northwest corner of the intersection with West Fayette Street; then binding to the property lines on the north side of West Fayette Street westerly for approximately 610 feet to the centerline of the 12-foot alley to the rear of the property known as Block 0619 Lot 034; then binding to the centerline of the 12-foot alley northerly to intersect the centerline of Marion Street; then binding to the centerline of Marion Street westerly for approximately 107 feet to the extended property line between the properties known as Block 0619 Lot 015 and Block 0619 Lot 019; then binding to the property line northerly approximately 203 feet to intersect the centerline of West Lexington Street; then binding on the centerline of West Lexington Street easterly for approximately 660 feet to the intersection of Park Avenue; then binding on the centerline of Park Ave northerly 255 feet to the point of beginning.