City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 22-5. Contents of plan.

(a) In general.

(1) For any proposed development, the applicant must submit phased stormwater management plans to the Department for review and approval.

(2) At a minimum, plans must be submitted for the concept, site development, and final stormwater management construction phases of project design.

(3) Each plan must:

(i) include the minimum content specified in § 22-3 {"Minimum control requirements"} of this subtitle; and

(ii) meet the requirements of the State's Design Manual, the City's Design Guidelines, and § 22-4 {"Environmental site design; Structural practices"} of this subtitle.

(b) Concept plan.

(1) The applicant must submit a concept plan that provides sufficient information for an initial assessment of the proposed project and whether stormwater management can be provided according to § 22-4 {"Environmental site design; Structural practices"} of this subtitle and the State's Design Manual.

(2) Plans submitted for concept approval must include the following, minimum information:

(i) a map that shows, at a scale specified by the Department:

A. site location;

B. existing natural features;

C. water and other sensitive resources;

D. topography; and

E. natural drainage patterns;

(ii) the anticipated location of all:

A. impervious areas;

B. buildings;

C. roadways;

D. parking;

E. sidewalks;

F. utilities; and

G. other site improvements;

(iii) the location of:

A. the proposed limit of disturbance;

B. erodible soils;

C. steep slopes; and

D. areas to be protected during construction;

(iv) preliminary estimates of:

A. stormwater management requirements;

B. the selection and location of environmental site design practices to be used; and

C. the location of all points of discharge from the site;

(v) a narrative that supports the concept design and describes how environmental site design will be implemented to the maximum extent practicable; and

(vi) any other information the Department requires.

(c) Site development plan.

(1) After approval of the concept plan, the applicant must submit, unless exempted by the Department, at the Department's discretion, site development plans that reflect comments received during the previous review phase.

(2) Plans submitted for site development approval must be of sufficient detail to allow site development to be reviewed.

(3) These plans must include the following, minimum information:

(i) all information provided during the concept plan review phase;

(ii) final site layout, including:

A. exact impervious area locations and acreages;

B. proposed topography;

C. delineated drainage areas at all points of discharge from the site; and

D. stormwater volume computations for environmental site design practices and quantity control structures;

(iii) a narrative that:

A. supports the site development design;

B. describes how environmental site design will be used to meet the minimum control requirements; and

C. justifies any proposed structural stormwater management or alternative practice measure; and

(iv) any other information the Department requires.

(d) Final stormwater management plans.

(1) After site development approval, the applicant must submit final stormwater management plans that reflect the comments received during the previous review phase.

(2) Stormwater management plans submitted for final approval must be in the form of construction drawings, in sufficient detail to allow all approvals and permits to be issued, and accompanied by a report that includes sufficient information to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed runoff control design.

(e) Waivers and variances.

The plan must be accompanied by an application for any waiver or variance sought under Subtitle 23 or Subtitle 24.