City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 22-6. Report for final plan.

The report submitted for final stormwater management plan approval must contain the following, minimum information:

(1) a brief narrative description of the project;

(2) geotechnical investigations, including soil maps, borings, site specific recommendations, and any additional information necessary to evaluate the final stormwater management design;

(3) descriptions of all water courses, impoundments, and wetlands on or adjacent to the site or into which stormwater directly flows;

(4) drainage area maps that show pre- development and post-development runoff flow path segmentation and land use;

(5) hydrologic computations of the applicable environmental site design and unified sizing criteria, according to the State's Design Manual, for all points of discharge from the site;

(6) hydraulic computations for all environmental site design practices and structural stormwater management measures to be used;

(7) structural computations;

(8) volume sizing computations, according to the State's Design Manual, that support the final stormwater management design; and

(9) any other information that the Department requires.