City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 3-14. Enclosures below lowest floor or flood-protection elevation.

(a) In general.

New construction and substantial improvements of fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor or below the flood-protection elevation:

(1) are limited to floodproofed areas usable solely for parking vehicles, limited storage, and building access, as specified in §§ 1-3(a) {"Definitions: Floodproofing"}, § 3-4 {"Residential structures"}, and 3-5 {"Non-residential and mixed-used structures"} of this Division I; or

(2) must be designed to meet or exceed the minimum criteria described in § 1-3(a) {"Definitions: Floodproofing"} of this Division I for dry floodproofing and wet floodproofing.

(b) State regulations.

The State may have different, more stringent requirements set forth in COMAR 26.17.03 {"Construction on Nontidal Waters and Floodplains"}.