§ 3-28. Alternative analysis.
(a) Required for permit.
Before a permit may be issued for any allowed development in the Floodway, the applicant must prepare and submit to the Planning Department an alternative analysis in accordance with this section.
(b) Scope of analysis.
The alternative analysis must demonstrate that:
(1) no reasonable alternative exists outside of the Floodway;
(2) the encroachment in the Floodway is the minimum necessary;
(3) the development will withstand a base flood without significant damage; and
(4) on the basis of hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, prepared by a licensed professional engineer in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Maryland Department of the Environment, the development:
(i) will not result in any increase in the base-flood elevation; and
(ii) will neither increase downstream or upstream flooding or erosion nor significantly contribute to debris.