§ 47-3. Applications.
An applicant for a variance shall:
(1) describe the special conditions peculiar to the property which would cause the unwarranted hardship;
(2) describe how enforcement of these rules will deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by others in similar areas;
(3) verify that the granting of the variance will not confer on the applicant a special privilege that would be denied to other applicants;
(4) verify that the variance request is not based on conditions or circumstances which are the result of actions by the applicant;
(5) verify that the need for the variance is not as a result of a violation of any portion of Division IV;
(6) verify that the request does not arise from a condition relating to land or building use, either permitted or nonconforming, on a neighboring property;
(7) verify that the granting of a variance will not adversely affect water quality; and
(8) such other criteria that, subject to Title 4 {"Administrative Procedure Act – Regulations"} of the City General Provisions Article, the Planning Commission may set by rule or regulation.