Division IVForest and Tree Conservation Subtitle 41 Purpose; Definitions; General Provisions §§ 41-1 – 41-5 Subtitle 42 General Requirements §§ 42-1 – 42-8 Subtitle 43 Forest Stand Delineation §§ 43-1 – 43-4 Subtitle 44 Forest Conservation Plan §§ 44-1 – 44-8 Subtitle 45 Reforestation, Afforestation, and Specimen Tree Mitigation §§ 45-1 – 45-4 Subtitle 46 Forest Conservation Fund §§ 46-1 – 46-6 Subtitle 47 Variances §§ 47-1 – 47-3 Subtitle 48 Enforcement; Penalties §§ 48-1 – 48-4 Subtitles 49 to 50 [Reserved] Editor's Notes This Division IV was substantially amended by Ordinance 20-401, effective December 28, 2020.