City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 51-2. Venable Park.

(a) Department jurisdiction.

The Department of Recreation and Parks is hereby authorized and directed to assume jurisdiction, for park purposes, over the following described part of Venable Park lying south of Thirty-Third Street:

Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the south side of Thirty-third Street as condemned and opened 120 feet wide under Ordinance No. 251, approved April 5, 1907, and the east side of Ellerslie Avenue as condemned and opened 66 feet wide under Ordinance No. 134, approved May 10, 1916, and running thence binding on the south side of said Thirty-third Street due East 489.81 feet, thence for lines of division, due South 568.50 feet to intersect the southeast side of Independence Street produced northeasterly, thence reversing said line so produced and binding thereon South 26°-32'-50" West 208.37 feet to intersect the southernmost outline of Venable Park as now surveyed, thence binding on said southernmost outline of Venable Park the two following courses and distances, namely, North 58°-41'-45" West 50.61 feet and North 62°-04'-22" West 498.71 feet to intersect the easternmost side of said Ellerslie Avenue and thence binding on the easternmost side of said Ellerslie Avenue the three following courses and distances, namely, North 26 °-32'-50" East 115.08 feet by a line curving to the left with a 339.12 foot radius the distance of 157.13 feet which arc is subtended by a chord bearing North 13°-16'-25" East 155.72 feet and due north 240.53 feet to the place of beginning.

The courses in the above description are all referred to the true meridian established by the City of Baltimore Topographical Survey Commission.

(b) School Board jurisdiction.

The Board of School Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to assume jurisdiction, for school purposes, over all that part of Venable Park lying south of Thirty-Third Street not embraced in the piece or parcel of land described in subsection (a) hereof.