City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Division V
City Parks and Trees

Editor's Notes

Ordinance 03-501 (effective March 17, 2003) established a new “Department of Transportation” {Section 1}. The Ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department to “appoint or employ assistants and employees” and to “delegate to [them] the powers and duties that the Director considers proper” {Section 1}, and transfers to the Department, among other powers, duties, and programs, certain “programs budgeted under the Office of Transportation or the Department of Transportation” {Section 2(b)}. Among the programs transferred was “505 - Park and Street Trees”.

Subsequently, Resolution 04-056 (ratified November 2, 2004) added City Charter Article VII, §§ 114 through 116, establishing the Department of Transportation as one of the City’s Executive Departments {§ 114} and granting to it certain powers and duties over

Street Construction and Maintenance {§ 116(b)}

Lighting {§ 116(c)}

Conduit System {§ 116(d)}

– as well as “the additional powers and duties relating to the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of streets, to transportation, and to traffic ... as are prescribed by law” {§ 116(e)}.