Section 103. Code Compliance Agency
103.1 Enforcement agency.
This Code is administered and enforced by the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development and its Commissioner. Accordingly, in this Code:
1. "Department of Building Safety" or "Department" means the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development, and
2. "Building Official", means the Commissioner of Housing and Community Development or an authorized representative of the Commissioner.
103.2 Appointment. {Not Adopted}
103.3 Deputies. {Not Adopted}
103.4 Employee restrictions.
An officer or employee of the Department may not:
1. engage in or directly or indirectly be connected with the furnishing of labor, materials, or appliances or the preparation of plans or specifications for the construction, alteration, addition, repair, rehabilitation, demolition, moving, or maintenance of a structure, unless the officer or employee is the owner of the structure, or
2. engage in any work that conflicts with his or her official duties or with the interests of the Department.