Chapter 1Scope and Administration {MBPS Modification ‒ Note to Chapter 1: Local jurisdictions are responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the Maryland Building Performance Standards. Refer to each local jurisdiction for local amendments to Chapter 1 of the IBC. Each local jurisdiction having authority shall establish ... implementation and enforcement procedures that include: (a) review and acceptance of appropriate plans; (b) issuance of building permits; (c) inspection of the work authorized by the building permits; and (d) issuance of use and occupancy certificates.}Section 101. GeneralSection 102. ApplicabilitySection 103. Code Compliance AgencySection 104. Duties and Powers of Building OfficialSection 105. PermitsSection 106. Floor and Roof Design Loads {As in IBC}Section 107. Construction DocumentsSection 108. Temporary Structures and UsesSection 109. FeesSection 110. InspectionsSection 111. Occupancy Permit; Certificate of CompletionSection 112. Service Utilities {As in IBC}Section 113. Board of Appeals {Not Adopted}Section 114. ViolationsSection 115. Stop-Work OrderSection 116. Unsafe StructuresSection 117. Emergency and Corrective MeasuresSection 118. Liability for Expenses and Collection of Debts and LiensSection 119. {Reserved}Section 120. Condemnation ProceedingsSection 121. Vacant Building ReceiverSection 122. {Reserved}Section 123. NoticesSection 124. Violation ReportsSections 125 to 127. {Reserved}Section 128. Administrative and Judicial Review