City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 107. Construction Documents

107.1 General. {As in IBC}

Exception 1: {As in IBC Exception}

Exception 2: Construction documents may be submitted electronically through the City's permit system if the submission complies with the guidelines established in the Permit Applicant User Guide.

107.2 Site plan.

The construction documents submitted with the application for permit must be accompanied by a site plan.

107.2.1 General requirements.

The site plan must:

1. show to scale the size and location of new construction and existing structures on the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades, and the proposed finished grades,

2. show, as applicable, Regulated Flood Hazard Areas, Floodways, and flood-protection elevations,

3. be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey, and

4. comport with all other requirements of this section.

107.2.2 Demolition.

In the case of demolition, the site plan must show construction to be demolished and the location and size of existing structures and construction that are to remain on the site.

107.2.3 Specifications, photographs, additional information.

The site plan must:

1. be drawn in accordance with the specifications required by rules or regulations adopted by the Building Official in consultation with the Director ofTransportation, and

2. contain any additional information required by those rules or regulations.

107.2.4 Exterior wall envelope. {As in IBC}

107.2.5 Exterior balconies and elevated walking surfaces. {As in IBC}

107.2.6 Site plan. {Not Adopted}

107.2.7 Structural information. {As in IBC}

107.2.8 Relocatable buildings. {As in IBC}

107.2.9 Waiver or modification.

The Building Official may waive or modify the requirement for a site plan if the application is for alteration or repair or if otherwise warranted.

107.3 Examination of documents. {As in IBC}

107.4 Amended construction documents. {As in IBC}

107.5 Retention of construction documents. {As in IBC}