City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 117. Emergency and Corrective Measures

117.1 Power of Building Official in emergencies.

In an emergency where life, health, safety, or property is in immediate danger, the Building Official may immediately take any action necessary to protect the endangered life, health, safety, or property, without complying with the notice provisions of this Code.

117.2 Photographs of dangerous conditions.

In all emergencies, if it is practical and if enough time is available to do so, the Building Official must cause the dangerous or unsafe condition that created the emergency to be photographed before any demolition or other work or operation is begun to eliminate the dangerous or unsafe condition.

117.3 Closing streets.

When necessary for the public safety, the Building Official may temporarily close adjacent structures and request the Director of Transportation to close adjacent sidewalks, streets, and other public ways and prohibit them from being used. The Building Official may

temporarily close adjacent sidewalks, streets, and other public ways only pursuant to an agreement with the Department of Transportation.

117.4 Labor and material for emergency work.

In an emergency where life, health, safety, or property is in immediate danger and it is necessary to perform any work or operation to protect that life, health, safety, or property, the Building Official may employ the persons and buy the materials needed to perform the work or operation as expeditiously as possible.

117.5 Liability for costs of emergency work.

Liability for expenses incurred in the course of performing emergency work and the procedure for collecting resultant debts and liens are as provided in § 118 {"Liability for Expenses..."} of this Code.