City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 22-7. Construction drawings for final plan.

(a) In general.

The construction drawings submitted for final stormwater management plan approval must include the following:

(1) a vicinity map;

(2) a topography survey that shows existing and proposed contours, including the area necessary to determine downstream analysis for proposed stormwater management facilities;

(3) any proposed improvements, including the location of buildings or other structures, impervious surfaces, storm drainage facilities, and all grading;

(4) the location of existing and proposed structures and utilities;

(5) any easements and rights-of-way;

(6) the delineation, if applicable, of:

(i) the 100-year floodplain; and

(ii) any on-site wetlands;

(7) structural and construction details, including representative cross sections, for all components of:

(i) the proposed drainage system or systems; and

(ii) stormwater management facilities;

(8) all necessary construction specifications;

(9) a sequence of construction;

(10) data for:

(i) total site area;

(ii) disturbed area;

(iii) new impervious area; and

(iv) total impervious area;

(11) a table that shows the environmental site design and unified sizing criteria volumes required by the State's Design Manual;

(12) a table of materials to be used for stormwater management facility planting;

(13) all soil boring logs and locations;

(14) a maintenance inspection and maintenance activity schedule;

(15) a proposed construction and inspection schedule;

(16) an as-built certification signature block, to be executed after the project is completed; and

(17) any other information that the Department requires.

(b) Certification of compliance.

The applicant must certify on the drawings that all grading, drainage, construction, and development will be done in strict accordance with the approved plan.