Subtitle 53Trees along City Streets, etc. § 53-1. Definitions. § 53-2. Jurisdiction of Department of Recreation and Parks. § 53-3. Additional duties of Department of Recreation and Parks. § 53-4. Planting and care program. § 53-5. Public notice of tree removal. 53-6 to 53-10. {Reserved} § 53-11. Permit requirements – Planting trees. § 53-12. Permit requirements – Treating trees. § 53-13. Permit requirements - Impeding roots. § 53-14. Permit requirements – Time for completing work. § 53-15. Tree removal - Street. § 53-16. Tree removal - Parks. 53-15 to 53-20. {Reserved} § 53-21. Injuring or defacing trees, etc. § 53-22. Breaking or hurting trees, etc. § 53-23. Inconsistent ordinances. 53-24 to 53-25. {Reserved} § 53-26. Penalties.